What to expect

NPSSM is a fun, yet challenging place to change your life!
NPSSM is a place filled with joy and hunger to experience more of God. Together we run after the presence of God and seek to know Him in a deeper more meaningful way, and soon we discover that we are becoming more like Him.
Your personal transformation
  • Discover your identity in Christ
  • Develop a deeper, richer relationship with God and with other people
  • Learn to honour one another
  • Gain a fuller understanding of the Scriptures
  • Become equipped through outreaches, revival groups, and ministry training
  • Develop your spiritual gifts and learn how to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Learn how to release what you carry to your areas of influence
Alongside our group sessions there will be tasks to undertake in your own time, designed to challenge your thinking, broaden your vision, help you to study the Bible and keep you connected to the presence of God.
1. Book reports - There are approximately 9 books that you are required to read and write a short report.  (We have a small library of loan copies if you don't want to buy your own, and we have most books available as audiobooks.)
2. Video Teaching reports - every week during term time there will be a new teaching video to watch online (typically an hour) and then write a short report.

3. Second Year Students also write two longer reports during the year on historical revivals and those who were key leaders.

NPSSM is a serious School, Students give up about thirty Thursday evenings a year, and in addition this homework is time-consuming stuff. We encourage Students to think about what they're going to give up during the year so as to make time for School commitments. (Most of us watch too much TV, for example!)